NaSC AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Calculators
The best Calculator alternative to NaSC is Wolfram Alpha, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to NaSC and loads of them are Calculators so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Calculator alternatives to NaSC are SpeedCrunch, Qalculate!, Numbat and Numi.
filter to find the best alternatives
NaSC alternatives are mainly Calculators but may also be Math Solvers or Note-taking Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of NaSC.- Calculator
- Free • Open Source
- 479 likes57 Wolfram Alpha alternatives
Wolfram Alpha is a "Computational Knowledge Engine" - different from a search engine, it answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Kindle Fire
Wolfram Alpha Features
Wolfram Alpha VS NaSC
Is Wolfram Alpha a good alternative to NaSC? - 284 likes131 SpeedCrunch alternatives
SpeedCrunch is a free, fast, high precision open source algebraic calculator with an intuitive interface and many features, such as variables, syntax highlighting, functions, persistent input history & more.
DiscontinuedLast release 2016. Only available in Windows 32-bit binary.
SpeedCrunch VS NaSC
Is SpeedCrunch a good alternative to NaSC? - 96 likes120 Qalculate! alternatives
Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple to use but provides power and versatility normally reserved for complicated math packages, as well as useful tools for everyday needs (such as currency conversion and percent calculation).
Qalculate! VS NaSC
Is Qalculate! a good alternative to NaSC? - 22 likes73 Numbat alternatives
High precision scientific calculator with full support for physical units (web and terminal versions).
Numbat VS NaSC
Is Numbat a good alternative to NaSC? - 26 likes121 Numi alternatives
Numi is a handy calculator app for macOS. It allows to describe tasks the natural way and instantly get an accurate answer. For example, $20 in euro - 5% discount or today + 2 weeks. Numi is not limited to simple calculations, it can solve expressions of any complexity, with...
Numi VS NaSC
Is Numi a good alternative to NaSC? - 43 likes162 Google Calculator alternatives
Calculator provides simple and advanced mathematical functions in a beautifully designed app.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- Chrome OS
- Android Tablet
- Android Wear
Google Calculator Features
Google Calculator VS NaSC
Is Google Calculator a good alternative to NaSC? NumberHub VS NaSC
Is NumberHub a good alternative to NaSC?- 7 likes132 GeoGebra Scientific Calculator alternatives
Free online scientific calculator from GeoGebra: perform calculations with fractions, statistics and exponential functions, logarithms, trigonometry and much more!
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
GeoGebra Scientific Calculator VS NaSC
Is this a good alternative to NaSC? - 12 likes101 Calculator++ alternatives
Calculator++ is an advanced, modern and easy to use scientific calculator.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Android
- Android Tablet
- F-Droid
Calculator++ Features
Calculator++ VS NaSC
Is Calculator++ a good alternative to NaSC? - 25 likes135 Windows Calculator alternatives
A simple yet powerful calculator that includes standard, scientific, and programmer modes, as well as a unit converter. It's the perfect tool to add up a bill, convert measurements in a recipe or other project, or complete complex math, algebra, or geometry problems.
Windows Calculator VS NaSC
Is Windows Calculator a good alternative to NaSC? - 7 likes19 Parsify® for Desktop alternatives
Next generation notepad-based calculator, built with extendibility and privacy in mind. Works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Parsify® for Desktop Features
Parsify® for Desktop VS NaSC
Is Parsify® for Desktop a good alternative to NaSC? - 11 likes69 GNOME Calculator alternatives
Calculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and is suitable as a default application in a GNOME Desktop environment.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
- Linux Mobile
- Flathub
- Flatpak
GNOME Calculator VS NaSC
Is GNOME Calculator a good alternative to NaSC?