Muziko music player AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Audio Players
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Muziko music player, but unfortunately only zero of them are Audio Players.
filter to find the best alternatives
Muziko music player alternatives are mainly Audio Players but may also be Media Players or Internet Radio Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Muziko music player.- Audio Player
- Freemium • Proprietary
- 878 likes242 Winamp alternatives
Winamp is a media player for Windows developed by Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev by their company Nullsoft, which they later sold to AOL, who sold to Radionomy in January 2014. Since version 2 it has been sold as freemium and supports extensibility with plug-ins and skins...
License model
- Free Personal • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
Winamp VS Muziko music player
Is Winamp a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 480 likes116 MediaMonkey alternatives
MediaMonkey is a music player and a music library manager with support for 50,000+ files and many features for organizing, tagging, converting and burning your music. It also has advanced podcasting and syncing features.
Top MediaMonkey Features
MediaMonkey VS Muziko music player
Is MediaMonkey a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 23 likes99 Metro - A music player for Android alternatives
Best material design music player for Android. Metro is a fork of Retro Music with Google Play API removed and all pro features unlocked.
Metro - A music player for Android VS Muziko music player
Is this a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 40 likes363 Winyl alternatives
Winyl is a free digital audio player and music library application for organizing and playing audio on Windows.
DiscontinuedNo updates since late 2018
Winyl VS Muziko music player
Is Winyl a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 2 likes271 Films & TV alternatives
Movies & TV (Canada and the US) or Films & TV (UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand), previously Xbox Video and Zune Video, is the default video player of Windows 10 and Xbox One.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Windows Phone
- Xbox
Films & TV VS Muziko music player
Is Films & TV a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 7 likes155 AVPlayer alternatives
AVPlayer can play almost any computer video file format such as AVI, Xvid, WMV and much more clearly and effortlessly. No converting hassles. Just copy files via USB and just drag and drop into the AVPlayer’s Media Explorer.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- iPhone
- iPad
AVPlayer Features
AVPlayer VS Muziko music player
Is AVPlayer a good alternative to Muziko music player? - 3 likes132 Audience Media Player alternatives
Audience is a modern video player that brings the lessons learned from the web home to the desktop.
DiscontinuedLooks discontinued. Last update of the binaries was in August 2017
Audience Media Player VS Muziko music player
Is this a good alternative to Muziko music player? - Like this app61 InPhone Music Player alternatives
Are you tired and bored of your default music player, and looking for a perfect replacement to listen to high-quality audio files? Well, you’ve come to the right place as InPhone Music Player delivers everything you should expect from such MP3 player apps and it even sets the...
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- Android Tablet
InPhone Music Player Features
InPhone Music Player VS Muziko music player
Is InPhone Music Player a good alternative to Muziko music player? - Like this app255 Player for Media alternatives
Player for Media - universal media player for your PC!.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
Player for Media Features
Player for Media VS Muziko music player
Is Player for Media a good alternative to Muziko music player? - Like this app124 Mobile_V5 Music Player alternatives
Music Player with powerful music equalizer, bass booster and great sound virtualizer, Quick search all music files, free to get this perfect audio player and media player.
Mobile_V5 Music Player VS Muziko music player
Is this a good alternative to Muziko music player?