Musicolet AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Audio & Media Players
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Musicolet, but unfortunately only zero of them are Audio Players.
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Musicolet alternatives are mainly Audio Players but may also be Media Players or Music Streaming Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Musicolet.- Audio Player
- Freemium • Proprietary
- 847 likes327 AIMP alternatives
AIMP is a powerful free audio player that supports for local files, NAS, clouds, and podcasts. Additionally, it includes powerful tools to operate with audio files.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Android
AIMP VS Musicolet
Is AIMP a good alternative to Musicolet? - 22 likes67 Fossify Music Player alternatives
Introducing Fossify Music Player – your gateway to uninterrupted musical enjoyment. Say goodbye to intrusive ads and hello to a seamless music experience designed to accompany you wherever you go.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Android
- F-Droid
- Android Tablet
Fossify Music Player VS Musicolet
Is Fossify Music Player a good alternative to Musicolet? - 105 likes136 Poweramp alternatives
Poweramp v3 is a major update focused on the new Audio engine, UI, and navigation.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- Android Tablet
- HUAWEI AppGallery
Poweramp VS Musicolet
Is Poweramp a good alternative to Musicolet? - 28 likes94 Vinyl Music Player alternatives
A fork of Phonograph Music Player that "makes all Pro features free, as they used to be". It has a material design that's easy on the eyes, and it's easy to use, customizable (multiple themes), has folder browsing, a sleep timer and tag editor.
Vinyl Music Player VS Musicolet
Is Vinyl Music Player a good alternative to Musicolet? Festival Music Player VS Musicolet
Is this a good alternative to Musicolet?- 2 likes51 G4Music alternatives
A fast, fluent, light weight music player written in GTK4, with a beautiful, adaptive user interface, so named G4Music. It is also focusing on high performance, for those people who has large number of songs.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Flathub
- Snapcraft
G4Music VS Musicolet
Is G4Music a good alternative to Musicolet? Plattenalbum VS Musicolet
Is Plattenalbum a good alternative to Musicolet?- 6 likes61 MixZing Media Player alternatives
The MixZing Music Player for Android is simply the most advanced music player on any platform
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
MixZing Media Player Features
MixZing Media Player VS Musicolet
Is MixZing Media Player a good alternative to Musicolet? - Like this app61 InPhone Music Player alternatives
Are you tired and bored of your default music player, and looking for a perfect replacement to listen to high-quality audio files? Well, you’ve come to the right place as InPhone Music Player delivers everything you should expect from such MP3 player apps and it even sets the...
License model
- Free • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- Android Tablet
InPhone Music Player Features
InPhone Music Player VS Musicolet
Is InPhone Music Player a good alternative to Musicolet?
Comments about Vinyl Music Player as an Alternative to Musicolet
Could be a good option, but does not have most of the funcionalities of Musicolet. Bad design.