Mp3TagsForTracks AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Mp3 Tag Editors
The best Mp3 Tag Editor alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks is MusicBrainz Picard, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Mp3TagsForTracks and loads of them are Mp3 Tag Editors so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Mp3 Tag Editor alternatives to Mp3TagsForTracks are Mp3tag, TagScanner, Kid3 and Puddletag.
filter to find the best alternatives
Mp3TagsForTracks alternatives are mainly Mp3 Tag Editors but may also be File Renamers or Audio Players. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Mp3TagsForTracks.- Mp3 Tag Editor
- Free • Proprietary
- 402 likes68 MusicBrainz Picard alternatives
Picard is the next generation MusicBrainz tagging application. This new tagging concept is album oriented, as opposed to track/file oriented like the ClassicTagger was. Picard is written in Python, which is a cross-platform language, and makes use of cross-platform libraries -...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Python
MusicBrainz Picard VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is MusicBrainz Picard a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? Top Mp3tag Features
Mp3tag VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Mp3tag a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks?- 143 likes57 TagScanner alternatives
TagScanner is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection. It can edit tags of mostly state-of-the-art audio formats, rename files based on the tag information, generate tag information from filenames, and perform any transformations of the text...
TagScanner VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is TagScanner a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 62 likes59 Kid3 alternatives
If you want to easily tag multiple MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, MPC, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV and AIFF files (e.g. full albums) without typing the same information again and again and have control over both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, then Kid3 is the program you...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- Flathub
- F-Droid
Kid3 VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Kid3 a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 36 likes38 Puddletag alternatives
Puddletag is an audio tag editor (primarily created for) GNU/Linux similar to Mp3tag and Kid3. Unlike most taggers, it uses a spreadsheet-like layout so that all the tags you want to edit by hand are visible and easily editable.
Puddletag VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Puddletag a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 3 likes40 Tagger - Tag Your Music alternatives
An easy-to-use music tag (metadata) editor.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Snapcraft
- Flathub
Tagger - Tag Your Music Features
Tagger - Tag Your Music VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is this a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 26 likes36 SongKong alternatives
SongKong is a music organization and tagger app designed to simplify the task of managing your digital music collection automatically.
Top SongKong Features
SongKong VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is SongKong a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 13 likes41 Meta for Mac alternatives
Meta is a powerful yet easy to use music tag editor for Mac. Batch edit audio metadata, rename files, replace characters, embed artworks, create playlists and more….
Meta for Mac Features
Meta for Mac VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Meta for Mac a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 59 likes45 Tag&Rename alternatives
Tag&Rename is a music files tag editor that easily handles all popular digital audio formats. No matter what music compressor you prefer, you can keep your music collection organized with Tag&Rename.
DiscontinuedThe latest version (3.9.15) is from June 2018.
Tag&Rename VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Tag&Rename a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 20 likes41 The GodFather alternatives
Do you own mp3 files? How about ogg, mpc, ape, flac, aac, apl, wv, mp4, ofr, or spx files? Do you have a lot of them?
The GodFather VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is The GodFather a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 15 likes26 Music Tag alternatives
Music Tag is a powerful and easy to use program that automatically downloads track data and cover art to complete your music library. Modern music players like iTunes or Windows Media Player use data embedded into files to identify tracks.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
Music Tag Features
Music Tag VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is Music Tag a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks? - 1 like54 TidyTag Music Tag Editor alternatives
Easily handle music organization with TidyTag, supporting various audio formats and metadata standards. Features include batch tagging, duplicate file cleaning, manual lyric addition, and file renaming. Enjoy seamless music playback while editing.
TidyTag Music Tag Editor VS Mp3TagsForTracks
Is this a good alternative to Mp3TagsForTracks?