Mouse Recorder Pro 2 Alternatives for Linux
Mouse Recorder Pro 2 is not available for Linux but there are some alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality. The best Linux alternative is AutoKey, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Mouse Recorder Pro 2 and six of them are available for Linux so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Linux alternatives to Mouse Recorder Pro 2 are Actiona, xdotool, Repeat and OldAutoKey.
filter to find the best alternatives
Mouse Recorder Pro 2 alternatives are mainly Task Automation Apps but may also be Text Expanders or Key Mapping Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Mouse Recorder Pro 2.- Free • Proprietary
- 34 likes68 AutoKey alternatives
AutoKey, previously known as AutoKey Py3, is a Python 3 port of the discontinued OldAutoKey , the desktop automation utility for Linux and X11.
AutoKey Features
AutoKey VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is AutoKey a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2? - 46 likes61 Actiona alternatives
Actiona (formerly known as Actionaz) is a task automation tool. It allows you to create and execute action lists.
Actiona Features
Actiona VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is Actiona a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2? - 17 likes58 xdotool alternatives
This tool lets you simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. It does this using X11's XTEST extension and other Xlib functions.
xdotool Features
xdotool VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is xdotool a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2? - 7 likes63 Repeat alternatives
Repeat is a full-fledged, Java mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation using modern programming languages, and more advanced automation features. Working across three major OSes: Windows, OSX, and Linux.
Repeat Features
Repeat VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is Repeat a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2? - 50 likes69 OldAutoKey alternatives
AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows you to manage collection of scripts and phrases, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these. This allows you to execute a script or insert text on demand in any program.
DiscontinuedThe program is no longer developed. As announced by the developer, last version, 0.90.4, released in May 2012, is feature complete and can be still downloaded from Google Code Archive. A maintained port, updated to run on Python 3, has been hosted on GitHub with the name
AutoKey , previously known as AutoKey Py3
OldAutoKey VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is OldAutoKey a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2? - 1 like63 Quikey alternatives
A keyboard macro tool. Contribute to bostrt/quikey development by creating an account on GitHub.
DiscontinuedThe last release in Github is Nov 29, 2020. The website no longer loads.
Quikey VS Mouse Recorder Pro 2
Is Quikey a good alternative to Mouse Recorder Pro 2?