Marta AlternativesOnly apps categorised as FTP Clients
The best FTP Client alternative to Marta is Total Commander, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Marta and five of them are FTP Clients so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting FTP Client alternatives to Marta are ForkLift, Commander One, DoubleXplorer and DCommander.
filter to find the best alternatives
Marta alternatives are mainly File Managers but may also be FTP Clients or File Search Utilities. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Marta.- File Manager
- Free • Proprietary
- 884 likes177 Total Commander alternatives
A versatile file manager offering side-by-side dual-pane for intuitive navigation, powerful built-in FTP client, extensive archive format support, robust file comparison tool with editor, advanced multi-rename using regular expressions, and scalable customization options.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Android
- Android Tablet
Total Commander VS Marta
Is Total Commander a good alternative to Marta? - 95 likes115 ForkLift alternatives
The most advanced dual pane file manager and file transfer client for macOS.
Top ForkLift Features
ForkLift VS Marta
Is ForkLift a good alternative to Marta? - 69 likes88 Commander One alternatives
Commander One is dual-pane file manager for OS X created in Swift, which enables you to manage your files in the best possible way.
Commander One VS Marta
Is Commander One a good alternative to Marta? - 3 likes37 DoubleXplorer alternatives
DoubleXplorer is a dual-pane file manager for macOS with a range of features, including a Command Palette, rich archive support (7z, Rar, Tar, Zip), file comparison, connection to servers (Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, SFTP, FTP), and more.
Top DoubleXplorer Features
DoubleXplorer VS Marta
Is DoubleXplorer a good alternative to Marta? - 5 likes109 DCommander alternatives
DCommander is a two-pane file manager that gives you full control over your computer's filesystem.
DCommander Features
DCommander VS Marta
Is DCommander a good alternative to Marta?