LinkBoard AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Research & Bookmark Managers

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to LinkBoard, but unfortunately only zero of them are Research Managers.

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LinkBoard alternatives are mainly Bookmark Managers but may also be Social Bookmarking Tools or Research Managers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of LinkBoard.
LinkBoard iconLinkBoard
  • ...

LinkBoard is a quick and easy way to save and share links.

LinkBoard lets you:

Quickly save links for later viewing. Organize your saved links into folders. Access all your links from anywhere—all you need is a...

More about LinkBoard
LinkBoard alternatives page was last updated Jul 27, 2019
  1. BibSonomy icon

    BibSonomy is a system for sharing bookmarks and lists of literature (BibTex format).

    71 BibSonomy alternatives
    BibSonomy screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Online

    BibSonomy Features

    1.  Real time collaboration
    3.  Knowledge Management
    4.  Tagging
    5.  Data Mining
    BibSonomy iconLinkBoard Icon

    BibSonomy VS LinkBoard

    Is BibSonomy a good alternative to LinkBoard?
1 of 1 LinkBoard alternatives