Krut AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Screen Recorders - Page 5

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Krut, but unfortunately only zero of them are Screen Recorders.

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Krut alternatives are mainly Screen Recorders but may also be Screenshot Capture Tools or Screen Casting Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Krut.
Krut iconKrut
  • ...

Krut is a screencast tool that is written in Java and well suited for making video tutorials (instructional videos) on most platforms. Krut records movie files, including sound, of selected parts of your screen. The files...

More about Krut
Krut alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. SolveigMM HyperCam icon
     Like this app

    SolveigMM HyperCam is a new version of the famous HyperCam , being jointly developed with Hyperionics LLC.

    70 SolveigMM HyperCam alternatives
    SolveigMM HyperCam screenshot 1

    License model


    • Windows

    SolveigMM HyperCam Features

    1.  Record desktop activity
    SolveigMM HyperCam iconKrut Icon

    SolveigMM HyperCam VS Krut

    Is SolveigMM HyperCam a good alternative to Krut?
You are at page 5 of Krut alternatives