jMovieManager AlternativesOnly apps categorised as CD Catalogers

The best CD Cataloger alternative to jMovieManager is Where Is It?. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to jMovieManager, but unfortunately only one of them is a CD Cataloger.

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jMovieManager alternatives are mainly Media Managers but may also be Movie Databases or CD Catalogers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of jMovieManager.
  • ...

JMovieManager is a software for you to manage movies and series. The software can be executed directly without installation. It can use a variety of multimedia files searched easily and clearly be managed and viewed.

More about jMovieManager
jMovieManager alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. Where Is It? icon

    WhereIsIt is an application written for Windows operating systems, and designed to help you maintain and organize a catalog of your computer media collection, including CD-ROMs and DVDs, audio CDs, diskettes, removable drives, hard drives, network drives, remote file servers, or...

    39 Where Is It? alternatives
    Where Is It? screenshot 1

    License model


    • Windows

    Where Is It? Features

    1.  Portable
    2.  File Tagging
    3.  Catalog
    4.  Indexed search
    5.  Tagging
    6.  Tag based
    7.  Multiple languages

    Last version: 2014Lot of functionality not working anymore (IMDB)

    Where Is It? iconjMovieManager Icon

    Where Is It? VS jMovieManager

    Is Where Is It? a good alternative to jMovieManager?
    • Where Is It? is the most popular commercial alternative to jMovieManager.

    • Where Is It? is Paid and ProprietaryjMovieManager is Free Personal and Proprietary
1 of 1 jMovieManager alternatives