Free Jingle Palette AlternativesSoundboards and other similar apps like Jingle Palette
The best free alternative to Jingle Palette is Sound Show. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Jingle Palette and seven of them is free so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting free alternatives to Jingle Palette are CasterSoundboard, JN Soundboard, Soundplant and iJingle.
filter to find the best alternatives
Jingle Palette alternatives are mainly Soundboards but may also be Audio Players or Theater Show Control Apps. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Jingle Palette.- Soundboard
- Free • Proprietary
- 2 likes26 Sound Show alternatives
Soundboard designed for live performances, broadcasts and more. You can also display visuals like images and videos and program sequences to play automatically.
Sound Show Features
Sound Show VS Jingle Palette
Is Sound Show a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - 4 likes29 CasterSoundboard alternatives
A soundboard for hot-keying and playing back sounds. (For podcasting) CasterSoundboard is written in C++ Qt5.
CasterSoundboard VS Jingle Palette
Is CasterSoundboard a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - 4 likes26 JN Soundboard alternatives
A program written in C# using the NAudio library that uses hotkeys to play sounds into a chosen sound device. It is similar to EXP Soundboard, except that JN Soundboard is not as cross-platform as EXP, but, there are more features in JN than EXP.
JN Soundboard VS Jingle Palette
Is JN Soundboard a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - 3 likes31 Soundplant alternatives
Soundplant is a digital audio performance tool that turns the computer keyboard into a versatile, low latency sound trigger and playable instrument. Via drag-and-drop, easily assign sound files of any format and unlimited size onto 72 keyboard keys, for hours of...
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
Soundplant Features
Soundplant VS Jingle Palette
Is Soundplant a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - Like this app20 iJingle alternatives
Instant playback of jingles, sound effects and music, right from your smartphone or tablet.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Kindle Fire
iJingle Features
iJingle VS Jingle Palette
Is iJingle a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - 2 likes13 Combiwave alternatives
CombiWave is an easy to use Digital Cart Machine and multi-file audio/Jingle Player. Play your audio files one by one and/or overlayed by simply pressing a key of your standard computer keyboard and create thereby a professional audio exhibit for your audience.
Combiwave Features
Combiwave VS Jingle Palette
Is Combiwave a good alternative to Jingle Palette? - Like this app8 Sports Sounds Pro alternatives
Sports Sounds Pro is a sound playing program that was designed to be used at sporting events, radio, or other live events.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Windows
Sports Sounds Pro Features
Sports Sounds Pro VS Jingle Palette
Is Sports Sounds Pro a good alternative to Jingle Palette?