IObit Uninstaller AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Software Uninstallers for Android

IObit Uninstaller is not available for Android but there is one alternative with similar functionality. The best Android Software Uninstaller alternative is Revo Uninstaller, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to IObit Uninstaller, but unfortunately only one of them is a Software Uninstaller available for Android. If you can't find an alternative you can try to remove all filters.

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IObit Uninstaller alternatives are mainly Software Uninstallers but may also be System Cleaners or Duplicate File Finders.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of IObit Uninstaller.
  • ...

IObit Uninstaller is the perfect solution for uninstalling unwanted programs, bundleware, browser plugins, and Windows Apps.

More about IObit Uninstaller
IObit Uninstaller alternatives page was last updated Apr 4, 2024
  1. Revo Uninstaller icon

    Efficient tool for uninstalling software and removing all traces of files and registry entries left behind. Provides free and pro versions, advanced scanning, realtime monitoring, and a user-friendly interface, serving as a superior alternative to default system tools.

    50 Revo Uninstaller alternatives
    Main window

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Windows
    • Android


    1.  No registration required
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Lightweight
    4.  Works Offline


    1.  Force Uninstall
    2.  Uninstall without uninstaller
    3.  Software Uninstallers
    4.  Hunter Mode
    5.  Delete Temporary Files
    6.  Batch Uninstaller
    7.  Portable
    8.  Monitor File Changes
    Revo Uninstaller iconIObit Uninstaller Icon

    Revo Uninstaller VS IObit Uninstaller

    Is Revo Uninstaller a good alternative to IObit Uninstaller?
    Comments about Revo Uninstaller as an Alternative to IObit Uninstaller

    No bundleware or adware included, also doesn't need to detect an installation to uninstall a program.

    Positive commentMar 25, 2020
    IObit Uninstaller Icon
    Revo Uninstaller icon
    • Most users think Revo Uninstaller is a great IObit Uninstaller alternative.

    • Revo Uninstaller is the most popular Android alternative to IObit Uninstaller.

    • Revo Uninstaller is Freemium and ProprietaryIObit Uninstaller is also Freemium and Proprietary
    • Revo Uninstaller is LightweightIObit Uninstaller is not according to our users
1 of 1 IObit Uninstaller alternatives