Inspire Flashcards AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Flashcard Learning Tools
The best Flashcard Learning alternative to Inspire Flashcards is Quizlet, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Inspire Flashcards and seven of them are Flashcard Learning Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Flashcard Learning Tool alternatives to Inspire Flashcards are Studylib, Flashcard Hero, NoteDex and Purrfect Memory.
filter to find the best alternatives
Inspire Flashcards alternatives are mainly Flashcard Learning Tools but may also be Note-taking Tools or Online Education Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Inspire Flashcards.- Paid • Proprietary
- 81 likes151 Quizlet alternatives
Simple tools for learning anything. Search millions of study sets or create your own. Improve your grades by studying with flashcards, games and more.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Quizlet Features
Quizlet VS Inspire Flashcards
Is Quizlet a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - 5 likes105 Studylib alternatives
Studylib is the easiest way to learn faster and retain knowledge for longer. Powered by cognitive science research our spaced repetition platform makes studying as efficient as humanly possible.
Studylib VS Inspire Flashcards
Is Studylib a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - 5 likes103 Flashcard Hero alternatives
Flashcard Hero is a study app that lets you make your own flash cards and take the pressure out of test preparation. It keeps track of what facts you already know so you can focus on what you don’t know, saving a lot of time.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- iPhone
- iPad
Flashcard Hero Features
Flashcard Hero VS Inspire Flashcards
Is Flashcard Hero a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - 1 like97 NoteDex alternatives
NoteDex is a cross-platform handwriting-enabled Index Card, Flashcard, and Note card app that enables you to capture, organize, retrieve and share high quality notes using the best-in-class visual interface on Windows, Android and the Web.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Android
NoteDex Features
NoteDex VS Inspire Flashcards
Is NoteDex a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - 3 likes79 Purrfect Memory alternatives
Use Purrfect Memory to memorize anything you can type. A subtle yet powerful menu bar app, Purrfect Memory reminds you to practice and memorize phrases, quotes, facts or verses - if you can type it, Purrfect Memory can help you memorize it.
Purrfect Memory VS Inspire Flashcards
Is Purrfect Memory a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - Like this app76 Earworm Audioflashcards alternatives
Earworm Audioflashcards was born from a desire to be more efficient. Memorizing information can be slow and tedious, and can take up a good amount of study time. At its core, Earworm is a flashcard app that allows a user to record prompts and responses and keep track of their...
Earworm Audioflashcards VS Inspire Flashcards
Is this a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards? - 1 like61 Flashcard Online alternatives
Free web app to make printable flashcards in PDF. Text amd image templates. 2, 4 or 8 cards per list. Ready collection of best flashcards for learning.
Flashcard Online VS Inspire Flashcards
Is Flashcard Online a good alternative to Inspire Flashcards?