IMCapture for Skype icon
IMCapture for Skype icon

IMCapture for Skype


IMCapture for Skype (formerly SkypeCap) captures and records audio and video calls made from Skype. Recorded audio calls are saved as MP3, WMA or AAC files and video calls as Quicktime Movies (MOV), MPEG4, MPEG, VOB, PSP MPEG4, SWF and FLV.

IMCapture for Skype screenshot 1

License model

Application type


  • Mac
  • Windows
2 / 5 Avg rating (1)
0 news articles


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  1.  Audio Recording
  2.  Call recording

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IMCapture for Skype information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Alternatives

    18 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about IMCapture for Skype, and it has gotten 2 likes

IMCapture for Skype was added to AlternativeTo by 3862080 on Feb 14, 2011 and this page was last updated Nov 27, 2014. IMCapture for Skype is sometimes referred to as IMCapture, SkypeCap.

Comments and Reviews

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Top negative commentJul 27, 2014

I bought IMCapture without testing the trial. At home I downloaded the trial. After starting the program it ask for trial or buy it. I klick trial and then the software leaves the message: "No internet connection IMCapture requires an internet connection. Application will be closed" I have always an internet connection! I want back my money!

CommentSep 14, 2016

The site does not load any content.

Using Mac OS 10.11.6, Firefox latest build.


What is IMCapture for Skype?

IMCapture for Skype (formerly SkypeCap) captures and records audio and video calls made from Skype. Recorded audio calls are saved as MP3, WMA or AAC files and video calls as Quicktime Movies (MOV), MPEG4, MPEG, VOB, PSP MPEG4, SWF and FLV. Calls can be replayed, shared, archived, or studied. IMCapture for Skype is valuable for business, a practical tool for everyday and very easy to use.