Hyland OnBase AlternativesOnly apps categorised as File Managers
The best File Manager alternative to Hyland OnBase is FileCenter. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Hyland OnBase, but unfortunately only two of them are File Managers.
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Hyland OnBase alternatives are mainly Document Scanners but may also be Document Managers or File Managers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Hyland OnBase.- Document Scanner
- Paid • Proprietary
- 14 likes44 FileCenter alternatives
FileCenter is easy-to-install, easy-to-use paperless office software which helps home and professional users scan, archive, organize, and find computer files. FileCenter is filled with time-saving features, giving you a complete solution within a single, simple interface.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Self-Hosted
Top FileCenter Features
FileCenter VS Hyland OnBase
Is FileCenter a good alternative to Hyland OnBase? - Like this app36 PaperMaster alternatives
Use PaperMaster Pro to collect, organize, search, and maintain your electronic documents and faxes.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
PaperMaster Features
PaperMaster VS Hyland OnBase
Is PaperMaster a good alternative to Hyland OnBase?