HgLab AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Version Control Systems

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked three alternatives to HgLab, but unfortunately only zero of them are Version Control Systems.

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HgLab alternatives are mainly Version Control Systems but may also be Source Code Hosting Services or Code Reviews.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of HgLab.
HgLab iconHgLab
  • ...

HgLab is a powerful self-hosted Mercurial Server and Repository Management for Windows with Push and Pull server, Active Directory and LDAP integration, built-in Pushlog and other goodies

More about HgLab
HgLab alternatives page was last updated Mar 12, 2019
  1. RhodeCode icon

    RhodeCode is an enterprise source code management platform for centralized control over Git, SVN, and Mercurial. It was built for highly secure, behind-the-firewall enterprise environments to enhance DevEx and implement small-team code management simplicity into larger-scale companies.

    41 RhodeCode alternatives
    RhodeCode screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Self-Hosted


    1.  Privacy focused


    1. Git icon  Git Support
    2.  Decentralized
    3.  Support for scripting
    4.  No Tracking
    5.  Full-Text Search
    6.  Works Offline
    7.  Unlimited storage
    8.  End-to-End Encryption
    9.  Ad-free
    10.  Hg hosting
    RhodeCode iconHgLab Icon

    RhodeCode VS HgLab

    Is RhodeCode a good alternative to HgLab?
    • RhodeCode is the most popular Open Source alternative to HgLab.

    • RhodeCode is Free and Open SourceHgLab is Paid and Proprietary
    • RhodeCode is Privacy focused and DecentralizedHgLab is not according to our users
  2. Kallithea icon

    Kallithea, a free software source code management system supporting two leading version control systems, Mercurial and Git.

    34 Kallithea alternatives

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Self-Hosted
    • Python

    Kallithea Features

    1.  Real time collaboration
    2. Git icon  Git Support
    3.  Hg hosting
    4.  Permission system
    5.  Git and mercurial support
    Kallithea iconHgLab Icon

    Kallithea VS HgLab

    Is Kallithea a good alternative to HgLab?
2 of 2 HgLab alternatives