HCL Volt MX AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Spreadsheet Apps

The best Spreadsheet alternative to HCL Volt MX is Sonadier Forms, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to HCL Volt MX, but unfortunately only two of them are Spreadsheet Apps.

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HCL Volt MX alternatives are mainly Database Management Tools but may also be Spreadsheet Apps or CMS Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of HCL Volt MX.
  • ...

HCL Volt MX is a low-code platform that empowers developers, architects, and IT leaders to deliver enterprise mobile apps, fast.

More about HCL Volt MX
HCL Volt MX alternatives page was last updated Jun 9, 2022
  1. Sonadier Forms icon

    Sonadier is an online database application builder. Build drag-and-drop forms and data storage is handled automatically. Invite your team, add them to groups, and set specific permissions for accessing forms and records.

    33 Sonadier Forms alternatives
    Creating a form using the form builder

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Online
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)

    Top Sonadier Forms Features

    1.  Multiple Account support
    2.  Real time collaboration
    3.  No Coding Required
    4.  Support for Multiple Users
    5.  Web-Based
    6.  Drag and Drop
    7.  Integrated Search
    8.  Built-in editor
    9.  Rad
    10.  Browser-based
    11.  Integrated File Sharing
    Sonadier Forms iconHCL Volt MX Icon

    Sonadier Forms VS HCL Volt MX

    Is Sonadier Forms a good alternative to HCL Volt MX?
  2. Wizard - Statistics & Analysis icon
     Like this app

    Wizard is a new Mac app that makes data analysis easier than ever. No programming, no typing — just click and explore. Wizard makes statistics accessible to beginners, but beneath the surface lies a full set of tools for doing professional research.

    61 Wizard - Statistics & Analysis alternatives
    Wizard - Statistics & Analysis screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac

    Wizard - Statistics & Analysis Features

    1.  Rad
    Wizard - Statistics & Analysis iconHCL Volt MX Icon

    Wizard - Statistics & Analysis VS HCL Volt MX

    Is this a good alternative to HCL Volt MX?
2 of 2 HCL Volt MX alternatives