Hacker Evolution Untold AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Puzzle Games

The best Puzzle Game alternative to Hacker Evolution Untold is Hack Run. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Hacker Evolution Untold, but unfortunately only two of them are Puzzle Games.

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Hacker Evolution Untold alternatives are mainly Simulation Gamess but may also be Puzzle Games. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Hacker Evolution Untold.
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When the number of computers in existence and their processing capacity exceeds that of all mankind, a point of technological singularity is encountered.

More about Hacker Evolution Untold
Hacker Evolution Untold alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. Hack Run icon

    Hack your way into the heart of a mysterious organization to uncover their secrets. Hack RUN is a game which uses 'old school' command prompts (like UNIX) that simulate a real operating system. Learn the commands of each system to help you navigate through your adventure.

    9 Hack Run alternatives
    Hack Run screenshot 1

    License model

    Application type


    • Mac
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • iPad

    Hack Run Features

    Hack Run iconHacker Evolution Untold Icon

    Hack Run VS Hacker Evolution Untold

    Is Hack Run a good alternative to Hacker Evolution Untold?
    • Hack Run is the most popular Android, iPhone & iPad alternative to Hacker Evolution Untold.

    • Hack Run is Paid and ProprietaryHacker Evolution Untold is also Paid and Proprietary
  2. EXAPUNKS icon
     Like this app

    The year is 1997. You used to be a hacker, but now you have the phage. You made a deal: one hack, one dose. There’s nothing left to lose… except your life. EXAPUNKS is the open-ended puzzle game from Zachtronics, the creators of Opus Magnum, SHENZHEN I/O, TIS-100, and more.

    5 EXAPUNKS alternatives
    EXAPUNKS screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Steam
    EXAPUNKS iconHacker Evolution Untold Icon

    EXAPUNKS VS Hacker Evolution Untold

    Is EXAPUNKS a good alternative to Hacker Evolution Untold?
2 of 2 Hacker Evolution Untold alternatives