GitLocalize AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Text to Speech Services
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to GitLocalize, but unfortunately only zero of them are Text to Speech Services.
filter to find the best alternatives
GitLocalize alternatives are mainly Translators but may also be Team Collaboration Tools or Text to Speech Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of GitLocalize.- Translator
- Free • Proprietary
- 66 likes38 Poedit alternatives
Poedit is cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It is built with wxWidgets toolkit and can run on any platform supported by it (although it was only tested on Unix with GTK+ and Windows). It aims to provide more convenient approach to editing catalogs than...
Poedit VS GitLocalize
Is Poedit a good alternative to GitLocalize? - 12 likes36 Tolgee alternatives
You no longer have to worry about choosing the right i18n library, editor, or platform. Tolgee is the only tool you need to translate your web-based project to any language you wish.
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application type
- Online
- Self-Hosted
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
Tolgee VS GitLocalize
Is Tolgee a good alternative to GitLocalize? - 1 like14 RoboTranslator alternatives
With the power of artificial intelligence, Robo Translator works its magic on your content and makes it more accessible to your global audience.
RoboTranslator VS GitLocalize
Is RoboTranslator a good alternative to GitLocalize?