Giftwhale AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Team Collaboration Tools

The best Team Collaboration alternative to Giftwhale is WishSimply, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Giftwhale, but unfortunately only one of them is a Team Collaboration Tool.

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Giftwhale alternatives are mainly Social Networks but may also be Online Shops or Team Collaboration Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Giftwhale.
Giftwhale iconGiftwhale
  • FreeProprietary
  • ...

Giftwhale allows you to create personalised wish lists online. You can easily share them with friends and family, and make it public or keep it private. Easy, fast, and all with a great modern interface.

More about Giftwhale
Giftwhale alternatives page was last updated Jun 13, 2019
  1. WishSimply icon
     Like this app

    Wishsimply has all the the essential features that you would be looking from the modern wish list like

    11 WishSimply alternatives
    WishSimply mobile app. Lists screen.
    WishSimply mobile app. Wishes (/Items) screen.
    WishSimply mobile app. Guest view. Purchased item.

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application type


    • Online

    WishSimply Features

    1.  Secret lists
    2.  Public lists
    3.  Christmas
    4.  Wishlist
    WishSimply iconGiftwhale Icon

    WishSimply VS Giftwhale

    Is WishSimply a good alternative to Giftwhale?
1 of 1 Giftwhale alternatives