Ghoster AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Window Managers & System Tweakers
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Ghoster, but unfortunately only zero of them are Window Managers.
filter to find the best alternatives
Ghoster alternatives are mainly Window Managers but may also be System Cleaners or System Tweakers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Ghoster.Ghoster
- Window Manager
- Free • Proprietary
- 46 SmartSystemMenu alternatives
SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system. It appends next custom items to menu:
Top SmartSystemMenu Features
- Sits in the System Tray
- On top
- Window Resizing
- Transparency
- Pin the specified window on top of all
- Change Monitor
- No registration required
- Dark Mode
- Ad-free
- Portable
- Prioritize tasks
SmartSystemMenu VS Ghoster
Is SmartSystemMenu a good alternative to Ghoster? - 41 TransOther alternatives
Make all windows but the active one transparent.
- User defined transparency level.
- Can ignore always ontop windows.
- Won't make parent windows transparent while children is active.
TransOther VS Ghoster
Is TransOther a good alternative to Ghoster? - 25 ShellEnhancer alternatives
NuonSoft ShellEnhancer is a powerfull utility designed to enhance the default shell of Windows. Learn more about ShellEnhancer.
DiscontinuedLast version,, was released on December 2006, but it can be still downloaded from the official website.
ShellEnhancer VS Ghoster
Is ShellEnhancer a good alternative to Ghoster?