Geomagic Design X AlternativesOnly apps categorised as 3D Printing Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked four alternatives to Geomagic Design X, but unfortunately only zero of them are 3D Printing Tools.

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Geomagic Design X alternatives are mainly 3D Modelers but may also be CAD Software or 3D Printing Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Geomagic Design X.
  • ...

Reverse engineer physical parts into digital parametric CAD models with the most comprehensive reverse-engineering software, combining history-based CAD with 3D scan data processing.

More about Geomagic Design X
Geomagic Design X alternatives page was last updated Apr 20, 2022
  1. Microsoft 3D Builder icon

    View, capture, personalize, and print 3D models. Download many kinds of 3D files and edit them using the 3D modeling space. Take a picture with your webcam and make it 3D.

    121 Microsoft 3D Builder alternatives
    Microsoft 3D Builder screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application types


    • Windows

    Microsoft 3D Builder Features

    1.  3D design
    Microsoft 3D Builder iconGeomagic Design X Icon

    Microsoft 3D Builder VS Geomagic Design X

    Is Microsoft 3D Builder a good alternative to Geomagic Design X?
1 of 1 Geomagic Design X alternatives