Gboard AlternativesOnly Open Source apps categorised as Mobile Keyboards
The best open source Mobile Keyboard alternative to Gboard is AnySoftKeyboard. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Gboard and 18 are open source Mobile Keyboards so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting open source Mobile Keyboard alternatives to Gboard are OpenBoard, HeliBoard, FlorisBoard and Simple Keyboard.
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Gboard alternatives are mainly Mobile Keyboards but may also be Grammar Checkers or AI Writing Tools. Other popular filters includes Android + Open Source. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Gboard.- Mobile Keyboard
- Free • Proprietary
- 82 likes52 AnySoftKeyboard alternatives
Customizable Android on-screen keyboard for multiple languages.
AnySoftKeyboard VS Gboard
Is AnySoftKeyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 59 likes28 OpenBoard alternatives
OpenBoard is a 100% foss keyboard based on AOSP, with no dependency on Google binaries, that respects your privacy.
DiscontinuedLast commit was in December 2022, and it's not available in the Google Play Store anymore.
HeliBoard is an active fork
OpenBoard VS Gboard
Is OpenBoard a good alternative to Gboard?Comments about OpenBoard as an Alternative to Gboard
D33pSh33pIt's basically the open source alternative to Gboard doing all the same while also being privacy-oriented and trustworty (unlike proprietary virtual keyboards that undoubtedly are not your friend, unfortunately). OpenBoard is a no-brainer and I urge people to try it. :)
0BrexshitThere is a numpad layout but no option to default to it. The defaults (like auto-correction enabled) could be better. But it's still my preferred keyboard, especially as the fork fixes some annoyances:
0braindedIt looks similar to Gboard, so doesn't take much time getting used to it. It also looks very clean and polished
0 - 60 likes28 HeliBoard alternatives
HeliBoard is a fork of OpenBoard , continuing the project from where it stopped.
HeliBoard VS Gboard
Is HeliBoard a good alternative to Gboard? - 41 likes50 FlorisBoard alternatives
FlorisBoard is an open-source keyboard aimed at providing you with an easy way to type while respecting your privacy.
FlorisBoard VS Gboard
Is FlorisBoard a good alternative to Gboard?Comments about FlorisBoard as an Alternative to Gboard
João LourençoIt would take Openboard's place if dev didn't sleep on this project, as it doesn't have basic dictionary and auto correct
2It is easy to use customize
0isaacsgraphic2It's ok, but the swipe typing isn't great. It doesn't show alternative word suggestions, so you can't quickly correct, you gotta go back and delete. If you don't use swipe then it's a solid alternative.
0 - 25 likes47 Simple Keyboard alternatives
This keyboard is created for those who only need a keyboard and nothing more.
Simple Keyboard VS Gboard
Is Simple Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard?Comments about Simple Keyboard as an Alternative to Gboard
marioliulionAwesome 808 KB size keyboard. Very helpful in old mobiles.
1D33pSh33pI'd definitely have this over Gboard, but I'd have OpenBoard over Simple Keyboard.
1 - 22 likes29 FUTO Keyboard alternatives
We believe that if your computer keyboard doesn't ask for internet access, neither should your mobile keyboard. FUTO Keyboard is a modern keyboard app with voice input that is completely offline and never connects to the internet, in order to ensure your privacy and security.
FUTO Keyboard VS Gboard
Is FUTO Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 16 likes28 Fossify Keyboard alternatives
Introducing Fossify Keyboard – your go-to solution for effortless and efficient typing. Experience a seamless typing experience designed to cater to all your needs, whether chatting with friends or inserting texts, numbers, or symbols.
Fossify Keyboard VS Gboard
Is Fossify Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard? - 40 likes42 Hacker's Keyboard alternatives
Are you missing the key layout you're used to from your computer when using an Android device? This software keyboard has separate number keys, punctuation in the usual places, and arrow keys. It is based on the AOSP Gingerbread soft keyboard, so it supports multitouch for...
DiscontinuedThe last update is from April 2021.
Hacker's Keyboard VS Gboard
Is Hacker's Keyboard a good alternative to Gboard?Comments about Hacker's Keyboard as an Alternative to Gboard
mekineerKeyboard shortcuts like with a full size keyboard!
0yosasukeuchihathe best to write commands in terminal
Comments about AnySoftKeyboard as an Alternative to Gboard
It took a bit of time for me to get used to but it eventually worked out. A great alternative to Gboard with lightweight (10 MB) and has no unnecessary features (GIFs, stickers etc.)
There is no way to get a default keyboard feel. Every single layout option has some idiotic decision like how if you want symbol hints your L key is replaced by an apostrophe. Ignore the shills.
Not all languages are maintained. Tamil is unavailable