Forth AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Compilers

The best Compiler alternative to Forth is V (programming language), which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked eight alternatives to Forth, but unfortunately only two of them are Compilers.

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Forth alternatives are mainly Programming Languages but may also be Compilers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Forth.
Forth iconForth
  • ...

An awesome stack based programming language, which is able to extend itself during runtime.

More about Forth
Forth alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. V (programming language) icon

    V is a statically typed compiled programming language designed for building maintainable software.

    76 V (programming language) alternatives
    V (programming language) screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • BSD
    • Self-Hosted


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Portable
    2.  Support for scripting
    3.  No registration required
    4.  ARM support
    5.  Generics
    6.  Multiparadigm
    7.  Usability
    8.  Typesafe
    9.  Readability
    10.  Compiled Language
    V (programming language) iconForth Icon

    V (programming language) VS Forth

    Is this a good alternative to Forth?
  2. GDScript icon

    GDScript is a high-level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python.

    68 GDScript alternatives
    GDScript screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • BSD
    • Android
    • Online
    • Godot Engine

    GDScript Features

    1.  Support for scripting
    2.  Portable
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Python-based
    GDScript iconForth Icon

    GDScript VS Forth

    Is GDScript a good alternative to Forth?
    • GDScript is the most popular Web-based & Android alternative to Forth.

    • GDScript is Free and Open SourceForth is also Free and Open Source
2 of 2 Forth alternatives