FireSSH AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Shells & SSH Clients
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to FireSSH, but unfortunately only zero of them are Shells.
filter to find the best alternatives
FireSSH alternatives are mainly Terminal Emulators but may also be SSH Clients or Remote Desktop Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of FireSSH.FireSSH
- Terminal Emulator
- Free • Open Source
- 94 Tabby Terminal alternatives
Tabby is an infinitely customizable cross-platform terminal app for local shells, serial, SSH and Telnet connections.
Top Tabby Terminal Features
- Command line interface
- Support for SFTP
- Multiple Servers
- Customizable
- Portable
- Dark Mode
- Serial-port
- Syntax Highlighting
- Ad-free
- Support for Themes
- Works Offline
Tabby Terminal VS FireSSH
Is Tabby Terminal a good alternative to FireSSH? WindTerm Features
- Support for SFTP
- Portable
- X server
- Syntax Highlighting
- Support for Themes
- Lightweight
- Command palette
- Cross-Platform
- Outliner
WindTerm VS FireSSH
Is WindTerm a good alternative to FireSSH?License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- iPhone
- iPad
WebSSH - SysAdmin Tools Features
- Lightweight
- Command line interface
- Support for Themes
- Ad-free
- Privacy focused
- No Tracking
- Works Offline
- No registration required
- Dark Mode
- Port Forwarding
WebSSH - SysAdmin Tools VS FireSSH
Is this a good alternative to FireSSH?- 64 ZOC alternatives
ZOC is a powerful and well-established terminal emulator and telnet client, well known for its outstanding user interface with tabbed multi session support.
ZOC Features
- Support for scripting
- Tabbed interface
- Telnet client
- BBS Support
- Binary trace files
- Incoming data as hex dump
- Support for Hotkeys
- Auto Highlighting
- Stream Capture
Is ZOC a good alternative to FireSSH?