Fileographer is a keyboard-driven file manager and note-taking application for Mac and Linux.
It's designed to let you do almost everything with the keyboard, not the mouse.
It lets you navigate your hard drive by typing a few letters from the name of the file or folder you want to see.
It shows you files that are nested inside your folders, so you can filter down to just what you want.
It lets you create files by entering a name and hitting enter, and it lets you edit those files right away.
Fileographer even lets you batch rename.
- Navigate your hard drive without needing to use a mouse.
- Use two panels to see two directories at once.
- See file previews, display image files and PDFs, and play media files.
- Create and edit text files.
- Create folders.
- Move, copy, and duplicate files.
- Gather groups of files into a new folder.
- Batch rename files.
- Move files to the trash and delete files.
- Capture notes by pressing F3 in any application.