FeedDemon AlternativesOnly Free apps categorised as Podcast Players

The best free Podcast Player alternative to FeedDemon is Podcast Addict. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 100 alternatives to FeedDemon and five of them are free Podcast Players so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting free Podcast Player alternatives to FeedDemon are Player FM, RNG.FM, Podkicker and MyPOD.

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FeedDemon alternatives are mainly RSS Readers but may also be News Readers or Podcast Players.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of FeedDemon.
FeedDemon iconFeedDemon
  • ...

FeedDemon is a popular RSS reader for Windows, with an easy-to-use interface that makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information.

More about FeedDemon
FeedDemon alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. Podcast Addict icon

    With Podcast Addict, manage all your audio & video Podcasts, Radio on Demand as well as your YouTube channels and RSS News feeds from your Android device.

    123 Podcast Addict alternatives
    Podcast Addict screenshot 1
    Podcast Addict screenshot 2
    Podcast Addict screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • Android Wear

    Podcast Addict Features

    1.  Podcast Subscription
    2.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Dark Mode
    5.  No registration required
    6.  Multiple languages
    7.  Integrated Search
    8.  Lockscreen Widget
    9.  Import from Google Reader
    Podcast Addict iconFeedDemon Icon

    Podcast Addict VS FeedDemon

    Is Podcast Addict a good alternative to FeedDemon?
  2. Player FM icon

    Player.fm is a podcast player you can use in your browser. Player FM makes it easy to discover and listen to online news and views on thousands of topics.

    121 Player FM alternatives

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • Online
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • Android Wear

    Player FM Features

    1.  Cloud Sync
    2.  Chromecast Support
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    Player FM iconFeedDemon Icon

    Player FM VS FeedDemon

    Is Player FM a good alternative to FeedDemon?
  3. RNG.FM icon
     1 like

    The home of background entertainment. Listen to interesting, random podcasts based on your preferences. Hit play and RNG.FM will keep you company while you go about your day.

    90 RNG.FM alternatives
    RNG.FM screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application type


    • Online
    RNG.FM iconFeedDemon Icon

    RNG.FM VS FeedDemon

    Is RNG.FM a good alternative to FeedDemon?
  4. Podkicker icon

    An alternative to all the bloated podcatchers out there.

    133 Podkicker alternatives
    Podkicker screenshot 1
    Podkicker screenshot 2
    Podkicker screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • Android

    Podkicker Features

    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  Chromecast Support
    3.  Import from Google Reader
    Podkicker iconFeedDemon Icon

    Podkicker VS FeedDemon

    Is Podkicker a good alternative to FeedDemon?
  5. MyPOD icon
     1 like

    MyPOD is full-featured and very powerful podcast app for the power-user.

    It is a media browser - it finds media in Podcasts and Blogs and makes it all available for you to play. MyPOD aims to fill in the gaps by combing powerful feed and web-browsing capabilities, cross-device.

    94 MyPOD alternatives
    MyPOD screenshot 1
    MyPOD screenshot 2
    MyPOD screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • Kindle Fire

    MyPOD Features

    1.  Import/Export OPML Feeds
    2.  Built-in player
    3.  Import from Google Reader
    4.  Create Playlist
    5.  Integrated Web Browser
    6.  Tablet support
    MyPOD iconFeedDemon Icon

    MyPOD VS FeedDemon

    Is MyPOD a good alternative to FeedDemon?
5 of 5 FeedDemon alternatives