EZMP3 Player AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Media Players

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to EZMP3 Player, but unfortunately only zero of them are Media Players.

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EZMP3 Player alternatives are mainly Audio Players but may also be Media Players or Internet Radio Services.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of EZMP3 Player.
  • ...

EZMP3 Player is a music player which can play MP3 and M4A (Apple's Lossless Music File Format) files.

More about EZMP3 Player
EZMP3 Player alternatives page was last updated Sep 9, 2022
  1. Poweramp icon

    Poweramp v3 is a major update focused on the new Audio engine, UI, and navigation.

    136 Poweramp alternatives
    Poweramp screenshot 1

    License model

    Application types


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • HUAWEI AppGallery


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Interactive Visualization
    2.  Album shuffle mode
    3.  Chromecast Support
    4.  Ad-free
    5.  AirPlay Support
    6.  Works Offline
    7.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
    8.  Lossless Audio
    9.  Support for Gestures
    10.  Collaborative Playlists
    11.  Music Store
    12.  MP3 Downloader
    Poweramp iconEZMP3 Player Icon

    Poweramp VS EZMP3 Player

    Is Poweramp a good alternative to EZMP3 Player?
    • Poweramp is the most popular Android & Android Tablet alternative to EZMP3 Player.

    • Poweramp is the most popular commercial alternative to EZMP3 Player.

    • Poweramp is Paid and ProprietaryEZMP3 Player is Freemium and Proprietary
    • Poweramp is Lightweight and Privacy focusedEZMP3 Player is not according to our users
  2. Winyl icon

    Winyl is a free digital audio player and music library application for organizing and playing audio on Windows.

    363 Winyl alternatives
    Winyl screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Windows


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Portable
    2.  Skinnable
    3.  Music collection
    4.  Music Library
    5.  Ad-free
    6.  Dark Mode
    7.  Built-in Equalizer
    8.  Crossfading

    No updates since late 2018

    Winyl iconEZMP3 Player Icon

    Winyl VS EZMP3 Player

    Is Winyl a good alternative to EZMP3 Player?
    • Winyl is the most popular Windows alternative to EZMP3 Player.

    • Winyl is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to EZMP3 Player.

    • Winyl is Free and Open SourceEZMP3 Player is Freemium and Proprietary
    • Winyl is LightweightEZMP3 Player is not according to our users
2 of 2 EZMP3 Player alternatives