ExaGear - Windows Emulator AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Virtualization Tools
The best Virtualization alternative to ExaGear - Windows Emulator is QEMU, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to ExaGear - Windows Emulator and four of them are Virtualization Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Virtualization Tool alternatives to ExaGear - Windows Emulator are Bochs, Cassowary and box86.
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ExaGear - Windows Emulator alternatives are mainly Compatibility Layer Tools but may also be Virtualization Tools or Remote Desktop Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of ExaGear - Windows Emulator.- Paid • Proprietary
- 281 likes49 QEMU alternatives
QEMU (short for "Quick EMUlator") is a free and open-source hosted hypervisor that performs hardware virtualization.
QEMU VS ExaGear - Windows Emulator
Is QEMU a good alternative to ExaGear - Windows Emulator? - 15 likes38 Bochs alternatives
Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. Currently, Bochs can be compiled to emulate a 386, 486...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Windows
- Linux
Bochs Features
Bochs VS ExaGear - Windows Emulator
Is Bochs a good alternative to ExaGear - Windows Emulator? - 2 likes40 Cassowary alternatives
Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native. Use Linux applications to launch files located in Windows WM without needing to install applications on WM. With easy to use configuration GUI. TEST.
Cassowary VS ExaGear - Windows Emulator
Is Cassowary a good alternative to ExaGear - Windows Emulator? - 2 likes5 box86 alternatives
x86 userspace emulator for ARM-based Linux machines. Enable the running of 32-bit x86 software on ARM-based PCs.
box86 VS ExaGear - Windows Emulator
Is box86 a good alternative to ExaGear - Windows Emulator?