Everest Cast AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Internet Radio Services

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked seven alternatives to Everest Cast, but unfortunately only zero of them are Internet Radio Services.

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Everest Cast alternatives are mainly Internet Radio Services but may also be Video Streaming Apps. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Everest Cast.
  • ...

Everest Cast is a Linux-based SHOUTcast & IceCast control panel developed by: i-Tech Nepal that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of Internet Radio Hosting Solution.

More about Everest Cast
Everest Cast alternatives page was last updated Sep 21, 2020
  1. Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ icon

    MSCP Pro/Pro+ is the most advanced Internet radio/tv stream hosting control panel with comprehensive functionality. This is a self-contained application that provides its own web and FTP services. MSCP Pro no uses any existing Apache, NGINX, PHP, or Pure-FTPd/Vsftpd/ProFTP...

    8 Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ alternatives
    Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ screenshot 1

    License model


    • Linux

    Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ Features

    1.  Stream audio
    2.  TV Streaming
    Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ iconEverest Cast Icon

    Media Server Control Panel Pro/Pro+ VS Everest Cast

    Is this a good alternative to Everest Cast?
  2. Media Control Panel icon
     Like this app

    The Media Control Panel is an advanced internet radio and video stream hosting control panel. Manage your audio or video stream hosting business with Shoutcast, Icecast, Wowza, Flussonic, NginxRtmp with full HTTPS/SSL support.

    8 Media Control Panel alternatives
    Media Control Panel screenshot 1

    License model


    • Linux
    • Self-Hosted

    Media Control Panel Features

    1.  RTMP Live Streaming
    2.  Icecast streaming
    3.  Shoutcast streaming
    4.  Web-Based
    5.  Stream audio
    Media Control Panel iconEverest Cast Icon

    Media Control Panel VS Everest Cast

    Is Media Control Panel a good alternative to Everest Cast?
2 of 2 Everest Cast alternatives