Duply AlternativesOnly apps categorised as File Copy Utilities

The best File Copy alternative to Duply is rsync, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked seven alternatives to Duply, but unfortunately only two of them are File Copy Utilities.

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Duply alternatives are mainly File Sync Tools but may also be Backup Clients or File Copy Utilities.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Duply.
Duply iconDuply
  • FreeOpen Source
  • ...

duply is a frontend for the mighty duplicity magic. duplicity is a python based shell application that makes encrypted incremental backups to remote storages. Different backends like ftp, sftp, imap, s3 and others are...

More about Duply
Duply alternatives page was last updated Jan 19, 2021
  1. rsync icon

    rsync is a software application for Unix which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another while minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate. An important feature of rsync not found in most similar programs/protocols is that the mirroring...

    127 rsync alternatives
    First of 3127 lines of Manual pages

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • BSD
    • Cygwin
    • Haiku

    rsync Features

    1.  File Sync
    2.  Command line interface
    3.  Schedule Backup
    4.  File by file encryption
    5.  Cloud Sync
    6.  Encrypted Backup
    7.  Folder Sync
    8.  Delta Backup
    rsync iconDuply Icon

    rsync VS Duply

    Is rsync a good alternative to Duply?
  2. GS RichCopy 360 icon

    GS RichCopy 360 is the ONLY file copy utility that utilizes its own proprietary Multi-Threading technology that uses all available logical cores in the system.

    146 GS RichCopy 360 alternatives
    Users are provided a wizard to guide them effortless through the job configuration while advanced users can choose to opt out of the wizard if they so desire.

    License model


    • Windows

    Top GS RichCopy 360 Features

    1.  File Sync
    2.  Delta Backup
    3.  Folder Sync
    4.  Support for Long Path Name
    5.  AES-256 Encryption
    6.  Automatic Backup
    7.  Incremental Backup
    8.  Cloud Sync
    9.  Real time collaboration
    10.  Schedule Backup
    11.  Encrypted Backup
    12.  Ad-free
    GS RichCopy 360 iconDuply Icon

    GS RichCopy 360 VS Duply

    Is GS RichCopy 360 a good alternative to Duply?
    • GS RichCopy 360 is the most popular commercial alternative to Duply.

    • GS RichCopy 360 is Paid and ProprietaryDuply is Free and Open Source
2 of 2 Duply alternatives