Duo AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Software Updaters
The best Software Updater alternative to Duo is Synaptic, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Duo and nine of them are Software Updaters so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Software Updater alternatives to Duo are Microsoft Store, Ketarin, UCheck and Software Updater (Canonical).
filter to find the best alternatives
Duo alternatives are mainly Software Installers but may also be Package Managers or Software Updaters. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Duo.- Software Installer
- Free • Open Source
- 173 likes49 Synaptic alternatives
Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt. It provides the same features as the apt-get command line utility with a GUI front-end based on Gtk+.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Debian
- Xfce
Synaptic VS Duo
Is Synaptic a good alternative to Duo? - 23 likes34 Microsoft Store alternatives
Find the apps, games, and shows you want, fast, in Microsoft Store, including your favorite mobile apps that now work on your PC.
Microsoft Store Features
Microsoft Store VS Duo
Is Microsoft Store a good alternative to Duo? - 72 likes46 Ketarin alternatives
Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates and optionally installs setup packages by monitoring web pages for changes. As opposed to other tools, Ketarin is not meant to keep your system up-to-date (like a package manager), but rather to maintain a compilation of...
Ketarin VS Duo
Is Ketarin a good alternative to Duo? - 7 likes39 UCheck alternatives
UCheck is a tool that will help you to keep your software updated. You can scan your machine for outdated software and perform an automated update to latest version.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
UCheck Features
UCheck VS Duo
Is UCheck a good alternative to Duo? - 58 likes33 Software Updater (Canonical) alternatives
One of the great things about using open source software is the frequency with which bugs are fixed, security holes are patched, and new features are added. Ubuntu includes a very convenient update manager, which checks the software repositories for updates, and alerts you to...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
Software Updater (Canonical) Features
Software Updater (Canonical) VS Duo
Is this a good alternative to Duo? - 28 likes41 Update Manager alternatives
The Linux Mint update manager. Helps installing security updates and new versions of packages.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
Update Manager Features
Update Manager VS Duo
Is Update Manager a good alternative to Duo? - 13 likes19 RuckZuck alternatives
RuckZuck is a free Software Package Manager for Windows, designed to keep the Software on your System(s) up to date even if the Software was not installed with RuckZuck.
RuckZuck VS Duo
Is RuckZuck a good alternative to Duo? - 26 likes31 MacPorts alternatives
The MacPorts Project is an opensource package management system that simplifies compiling, installing, upgrading, and removal of other open-source software on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and later, running on Intel or Apple Silicon.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
MacPorts Features
MacPorts VS Duo
Is MacPorts a good alternative to Duo? - 1 like84 Action1 alternatives
Action1 is the #1 risk-based patch management platform for distributed enterprise networks trusted by thousands of organizations globally. Action1 helps to discover, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities in a single solution to prevent security breaches and ransomware...
Action1 VS Duo
Is Action1 a good alternative to Duo?