dotEPUB AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Bookmark Managers
The best Bookmark Manager alternative to dotEPUB is Pocket, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to dotEPUB and six of them are Bookmark Managers so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Bookmark Manager alternatives to dotEPUB are Instapaper, WebCrate, WebCull and WebBites.
filter to find the best alternatives
dotEPUB alternatives are mainly Bookmark Managers but may also be Read It Later Tools or Social Bookmarking Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of dotEPUB.- Read It Later Tool
- Free • Proprietary
- 913 likes161 Pocket alternatives
Pocket lets you save articles to read offline with seamless integration across web browsers and mobile apps. Enjoy distraction-free reading via text-to-speech, dark mode, and multi-platform support, ideal for commuters and travelers.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Top Pocket Features
Pocket VS dotEPUB
Is Pocket a good alternative to dotEPUB? - 229 likes99 Instapaper alternatives
Instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for reading later. To save web pages for later offline reading: go to, install the Read Later bookmark, and mark any pages you'd like to read later.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Apple Watch
- Google Chrome
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Firefox
Instapaper VS dotEPUB
Is Instapaper a good alternative to dotEPUB? - 10 likes129 WebCrate alternatives
Group, organize and share links from around the web with WebCrate. It's more than just a bookmarking tool.
DiscontinuedThe latest version (1.4.3) is from January 2022.
WebCrate VS dotEPUB
Is WebCrate a good alternative to dotEPUB? - 11 likes96 WebCull alternatives
WebCull is an online link manager that helps you keep all your links organized for one place that's accessible from everywhere.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Opera
WebCull Features
WebCull VS dotEPUB
Is WebCull a good alternative to dotEPUB? - 6 likes95 WebBites alternatives
WebBites is a tool to keep all your favourite websites, tools and articles in one place, currently in beta. With a strong focus on accessibility and aesthetics.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
WebBites Features
DiscontinuedNo Updates since 3 years, just an announcement. The waiting list doesn't really work.
WebBites VS dotEPUB
Is WebBites a good alternative to dotEPUB? Play VS dotEPUB
Is Play a good alternative to dotEPUB?
Comments about Pocket as an Alternative to dotEPUB
dotEPUB is for downloading, pocket is for collecting