DogQ AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Web Debuggers

The best Web Debugger alternative to DogQ is LambdaTest, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to DogQ, but unfortunately only one of them is a Web Debugger.

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DogQ alternatives are mainly Test Automations but may also be Web Debuggers or Task Automation Apps.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of DogQ.
DogQ iconDogQ
  • ...

DogQ is a user-friendly no-code web testing automation platform designed to help all skill level users test their web products. DogQ lets users perform their tasks easily and quickly, and collaborate with the team to ensure...

More about DogQ
DogQ alternatives page was last updated Feb 17, 2023
  1. LambdaTest icon

    Advanced cross-browser testing platform offering over 3000 browser versions support, real device clouds for iOS and Android testing, AI-enhanced test creation, and HyperExecute, speeding up test executions by 70% with public and dedicated device cloud options.

    57 LambdaTest alternatives
    LambdaTest screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Online
    • Google Chrome
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    • Wordpress

    Top LambdaTest Features

    1.  Real Time Testing
    2.  Cross browser testing
    3.  Third party integrations
    4.  Automated Screenshots
    5.  Ssh tunnel
    6. JIRA icon  Jira integration
    7.  Annotate Screenshot
    8.  Auto Layout
    9.  Real time collaboration
    10. Slack icon  Slack integration
    11.  Selenium testing
    12. GitHub icon  GitHub Integration
    LambdaTest iconDogQ Icon

    LambdaTest VS DogQ

    Is LambdaTest a good alternative to DogQ?
    • LambdaTest is the most popular Web-based & SaaS alternative to DogQ.

    • LambdaTest is Freemium and ProprietaryDogQ is Paid and Proprietary
1 of 1 DogQ alternatives