Data Forms Action! AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Database Management Tools
The best Database Management Tool alternative to Data Forms Action! is Wizard - Statistics & Analysis. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Data Forms Action! and three of them are Database Management Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Database Management Tool alternatives to Data Forms Action! are Actual ODBC Driver for Access and Viewer for Access Database.
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Data Forms Action! alternatives are mainly Database Management Tools but may also be Form Builders or Spreadsheet Apps. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Data Forms Action!.- Paid • Proprietary
- Like this app61 Wizard - Statistics & Analysis alternatives
Wizard is a new Mac app that makes data analysis easier than ever. No programming, no typing — just click and explore. Wizard makes statistics accessible to beginners, but beneath the surface lies a full set of tools for doing professional research.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
Wizard - Statistics & Analysis Features
Wizard - Statistics & Analysis VS Data Forms Action!
Is this a good alternative to Data Forms Action!? - Like this app61 Actual ODBC Driver for Access alternatives
With the Actual ODBC Driver for Access, you can use Excel and FileMaker Pro to quickly and easily retrieve data from your Access database.
Actual ODBC Driver for Access VS Data Forms Action!
Is this a good alternative to Data Forms Action!? - Like this app63 Viewer for Access Database alternatives
Open Microsoft Access database on your Mac with this App, you can view data easily with Filter, Sort, Paging, and export data or schema to other databases. With the In-App Purchase 'Edit Data' and 'DB Creator' you can even edit it directly on your Mac, create new...
Viewer for Access Database VS Data Forms Action!
Is this a good alternative to Data Forms Action!?