Cyber-D's AutoDelete AlternativesOnly apps categorised as File Managers

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked four alternatives to Cyber-D's AutoDelete, but unfortunately only zero of them are File Managers.

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Cyber-D's AutoDelete alternatives are mainly System Cleaners but may also be File Managers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Cyber-D's AutoDelete.
  • ...

Cyber-D's Autodelete can delete old files in a folder (and subfolders) you selected. Simply select the folder you wish to clean (downloads for example), set the rules (older than 30 days since created) and how to delete...

More about Cyber-D's AutoDelete
Cyber-D's AutoDelete alternatives page was last updated Apr 7, 2023
  1. DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer  icon

    The application automatically processes files and folders based on the rules specified by the user.

    The app is open source, based on Python/PySide2.

    16 DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer alternatives

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows

    DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer Features

    1.  File Tagging
    2.  Auto-delete files
    3.  Tagging
    4.  Custom rules

    The website is down, and the latest update is from December 2022 on GitHub.

    DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer  iconCyber-D's AutoDelete Icon

    DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer VS Cyber-D's AutoDelete

    Is this a good alternative to Cyber-D's AutoDelete?
    • DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer is the most popular Windows & Mac alternative to Cyber-D's AutoDelete.

    • DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to Cyber-D's AutoDelete.

    • DeClutter: File Tagger and Organizer is Free and Open SourceCyber-D's AutoDelete is Free and Proprietary
1 of 1 Cyber-D's AutoDelete alternatives