Service status tracking
Simple way to track and publish status for each of your services.
Status notification
Notify your customers of any changes to their services. Send announcements about service upgrades or planned maintenance.
Customer lists
Link customers with their individual services. Only send notifications to those customers who use a particular service.
Email & SMS notifications
Keep your customers in the loop via email and SMS.
Simple and Easy communication
Send important notifications about your services to your customers. Keep everyone in the loop. Send messages about service upgrades or planned maintenance and have a record of everything you sent in one place.
Communicate downtime transparently and quickly
Everyone has a bad day at work when things do not go how we expect. When you need to communicate it make it easier by simply clicking a button instead of crafting frantic emails. Let everyone know how things are progressing and especially when issues are resolved.
Schedule notifications in advance
Never forget to let people know of planned maintenance. Avoid surprising people or letting them know when it is too late. You can schedule notifications well in advance.