CopperheadOS AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Operating Systems
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to CopperheadOS, but unfortunately only zero of them are Operating Systems.
filter to find the best alternatives
CopperheadOS alternatives are mainly Android ROMs but may also be Mobile OSs or Operating Systems. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of CopperheadOS.- Android ROM
- Paid • Proprietary
- 102 likes30 GrapheneOS alternatives
GrapheneOS is a privacy and security focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility developed as a non-profit open source project. It's focused on the research and development of privacy and security technology including substantial improvements to sandboxing, exploit...
GrapheneOS VS CopperheadOS
Is GrapheneOS a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 309 likes48 LineageOS alternatives
A free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform. It is the successor to the highly popular custom ROM CyanogenMod, from which it was forked in December 2016 when Cyanogen Inc.
LineageOS VS CopperheadOS
Is LineageOS a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 106 likes45 /e/ alternatives
/e/ is a fork of LineageOS that aims to be completely free of everything Google. Not only that, but there are a number of goals the developer has in mind for /e/ that more people feel are vital to a mobile operating system.
/e/ VS CopperheadOS
Is /e/ a good alternative to CopperheadOS?Comments about /e/ as an Alternative to CopperheadOS
/e/ is the only open source os you can purchase pre installed on a phone.
0 - 47 likes41 CalyxOS alternatives
Everyone needs a phone. Not everyone wants governments and corporations tracking their every move and spying on their communications. CalyxOS lets you have your cake and eat it too, with "Privacy by Design".
CalyxOS VS CopperheadOS
Is CalyxOS a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 195 likes43 Ubuntu Touch alternatives
Ubuntu Touch is the Ubuntu operating system for mobile phones originally created by Canonical and now developed by the UBports Community.
Ubuntu Touch VS CopperheadOS
Is Ubuntu Touch a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 90 likes45 Replicant alternatives
Replicant is a fully free Android distribution running on several devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on freedom and privacy/security. It is based on LineageOS and replaces or avoids every proprietary component of the system, such as user-space...
Replicant VS CopperheadOS
Is Replicant a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 27 likes38 postmarketOS alternatives
postmarketOS extends the free and open source operating system Alpine Linux to run on smartphones and other mobile devices. Alpine is a security-oriented, light-weight Linux distribution based on musl libc and BusyBox.
postmarketOS VS CopperheadOS
Is postmarketOS a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 54 likes42 Plasma Mobile alternatives
Plasma Mobile turns your phone into a fully open hacking device, just like a PC. You can join us to start building new mobile experiences now.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Linux
- Linux Mobile
Plasma Mobile VS CopperheadOS
Is Plasma Mobile a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 6 likes26 PixelOS alternatives
PixelOS is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies. We aim to provide an experience similar to Google Pixel phones with numerous performance enhancements and a small amount of useful additional features.
PixelOS VS CopperheadOS
Is PixelOS a good alternative to CopperheadOS? - 23 likes35 LineageOS for microG alternatives
LineageOS unofficial fork with built-in microG gapps implementation.
LineageOS for microG VS CopperheadOS
Is LineageOS for microG a good alternative to CopperheadOS?
Comments about GrapheneOS as an Alternative to CopperheadOS
Main developer of old CopperheadOS is in charge of GrapheneOS and this ROM is what Copperhead claims to be: privacy focused.
GrapheneOS stands for security and data protection - not like CopperheadOS which spies on users and engages in SCAM activities.
Unlike CopperheadOS, GrapheneOS is not a SCAM.