CoconutBattery 3 AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Battery Saver Utilities for Windows

CoconutBattery 3 is not available for Windows but there are a few alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality. The best Windows Battery Saver Utility alternative is BatteryCare, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to CoconutBattery 3 and three of them are Battery Saver Utilities available for Windows so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Windows Battery Saver Utility alternatives to CoconutBattery 3 are Battery Flyout and BattCursor.

filter to find the best alternatives

CoconutBattery 3 alternatives are mainly Battery Monitors but may also be Battery Saver Utilities or System Information Utilities.  Other popular filters includes Windows + Battery Monitor. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of CoconutBattery 3.
  • ...

CoconutBattery shows you live information about the battery in your Mac, iPhone, and iPad including:

Age of your devices and their batteries How often the battery was charged Your battery health

More about CoconutBattery 3
CoconutBattery 3 alternatives page was last updated Nov 21, 2024
  1. BatteryCare icon
    BatteryCare screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows

    BatteryCare Features

    1.  Root required
    2.  Battery Health

    The last update is from November 2020.


    Opencandy installer. Be careful or choose the portable version.

    BatteryCare iconCoconutBattery 3 Icon

    BatteryCare VS CoconutBattery 3

    Is BatteryCare a good alternative to CoconutBattery 3?
    • Most users think BatteryCare is a great CoconutBattery 3 alternative.

    • BatteryCare is the most popular Windows alternative to CoconutBattery 3.

    • BatteryCare is the most popular free alternative to CoconutBattery 3.

    • BatteryCare is Free and ProprietaryCoconutBattery 3 is Freemium and Proprietary
  2. Battery Flyout icon
     Like this app

    The health and longevity of your device's battery are key to staying productive and focused. A well-managed battery means no sudden shutdowns and more time to concentrate on what matters — work, gaming, browsing websites, or enjoying your favorite apps.

    12 Battery Flyout alternatives
    Battery Flyout screenshot 1

    License model


    • Windows

    Battery Flyout Features

    1.  Battery level report
    2.  Sits in the System Tray
    3.  Battery Health
    Battery Flyout iconCoconutBattery 3 Icon

    Battery Flyout VS CoconutBattery 3

    Is Battery Flyout a good alternative to CoconutBattery 3?
    • Battery Flyout is the most popular commercial alternative to CoconutBattery 3.

    • Battery Flyout is Paid and ProprietaryCoconutBattery 3 is Freemium and Proprietary
  3. BattCursor icon
     1 like

    BattCursor: Shows the battery charge in percent directly below the mouse cursor and offers many other battery-saving features, like diming down the display brightness for inactivity, and automatically disable the Windows Sidebar and Aero Glass.

    36 BattCursor alternatives
    BattCursor screenshot 1

    License model

    • Free PersonalProprietary


    • Windows

    Official site unavailable but downloads still available at download sites.

    BattCursor iconCoconutBattery 3 Icon

    BattCursor VS CoconutBattery 3

    Is BattCursor a good alternative to CoconutBattery 3?
3 of 3 CoconutBattery 3 alternatives