Cockpit Project AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Web Servers

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Cockpit Project, but unfortunately only zero of them are Web Servers.

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Cockpit Project alternatives are mainly Server Management Tools but may also be Web Hosting Services or Web Servers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Cockpit Project.
  • ...

Makes it easy to administer Linux servers via a web browser. It allows you to easily perform simple tasks like storage administration, inspecting journals, starting & stopping services, monitoring & administering...

More about Cockpit Project
Cockpit Project alternatives page was last updated Aug 19, 2024
  1. cPanel icon

    The cPanel and WHM software package makes life easier for web hosts and the website owners they serve. It offers easy-to-use, powerful tools that perform essential tasks quickly, easily, and reliably.

    72 cPanel alternatives
    cPanel screenshot 1

    License model


    • Linux
    • Online
    • Self-Hosted
    • PHP


    1.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions


    1.  WebDAV Support
    2.  Admin panel
    3.  Configuration
    4.  File Hosting
    cPanel iconCockpit Project Icon

    cPanel VS Cockpit Project

    Is cPanel a good alternative to Cockpit Project?
    • cPanel is the most popular commercial alternative to Cockpit Project.

    • cPanel is Paid and ProprietaryCockpit Project is Free and Open Source
  2. WordPress Accelerated icon
     1 like

    The WordPress Accelerated: Fast & Reliable LEMP Solution provides a streamlined, high-performance environment for hosting WordPress on Google Cloud. It leverages a robust LEMP stack (Linux, NGINX, MariaDB, PHP) along with tools like Redis, Node.

    50 WordPress Accelerated alternatives
    WordPress UI

    License model


    • Online
    • Self-Hosted
    • Google Cloud Platform


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  No Tracking
    3.  Ad-free


    1.  Website Monitoring
    2.  No Coding Required
    3.  Nginx
    4.  Web-Based
    5.  WordPress Integration
    6.  Support for MariaDB
    WordPress Accelerated iconCockpit Project Icon

    WordPress Accelerated VS Cockpit Project

    Is this a good alternative to Cockpit Project?
2 of 2 Cockpit Project alternatives