cdnjs AlternativesOnly apps categorised as CDNs

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to cdnjs, but unfortunately only zero of them are CDNs.

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cdnjs alternatives are mainly CDNs but may also be Image Optimizers or Web Hosting Services.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of cdnjs.
cdnjs iconcdnjs
  • CDN
  • FreeOpen Source
  • ...

Cdnjs is a free content delivery network for Javascript, CSS and images used in developer libraries across the web. Sponsored by Cloudflare on their 24 server network. Everyone loves the Google CDN right? Even Microsoft...

More about cdnjs
cdnjs alternatives page was last updated Jun 7, 2022
  1. Statically icon

    The best free and fast CDN for images, CSS, JavaScript, and open source. Statically is powered by multi-CDN: Google Cloud CDN, CloudFront, Cloudflare, Fastly, and BunnyCDN.

    36 Statically alternatives
    Statically screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Online
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)

    Statically Features

    1.  Ad-free
    2.  Load balancing
    3.  Image CDN
    4.  Image Processing
    5.  Multi CDN
    6.  Nginx
    7. WordPress icon  WordPress Integration

    The last update is from January 2021.

    Statically iconcdnjs Icon

    Statically VS cdnjs

    Is Statically a good alternative to cdnjs?
1 of 1 cdnjs alternatives