BigMarker AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Group Chat Apps

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to BigMarker, but unfortunately only zero of them are Group Chat Apps.

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BigMarker alternatives are mainly Web Conferencing Tools but may also be Remote Desktop Tools or Group Chat Apps.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of BigMarker.
  • ...

BigMarker combines powerful webinar software with robust marketing features to create the world's first end-to-end webinar solution.

More about BigMarker
BigMarker alternatives page was last updated Mar 17, 2020
  1. Adobe Connect icon

    Adobe Connect is a software solution for creating presentations, online training materials, web conferencing, learning modules, webinars, and desktop sharing. Its structure is based on 'pods', organized meeting rooms each with a specific function like chat, whiteboard...

    102 Adobe Connect alternatives
    Adobe Connect screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad

    Adobe Connect Features

    1.  Desktop Sharing
    2.  Screen Sharing
    3.  Webinar
    4.  Team Messaging
    5.  Shared whiteboard
    6.  Video Conferencing
    7.  Integrated Chat
    8.  Audio Conferencing
    Adobe Connect iconBigMarker Icon

    Adobe Connect VS BigMarker

    Is Adobe Connect a good alternative to BigMarker?
    • Adobe Connect is the most popular Linux alternative to BigMarker.

    • Adobe Connect is Paid and ProprietaryBigMarker is also Paid and Proprietary
1 of 1 BigMarker alternatives