BattCursor AlternativesOnly apps categorised as System Information Utilities

The best System Information alternative to BattCursor is BatteryBot, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to BattCursor, but unfortunately only two of them are System Information Utilities.

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BattCursor alternatives are mainly Battery Monitors but may also be Battery Saver Utilities or System Information Utilities.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of BattCursor.
  • ...

BattCursor: Shows the battery charge in percent directly below the mouse cursor and offers many other battery-saving features, like diming down the display brightness for inactivity, and automatically disable the Windows...

More about BattCursor
BattCursor alternatives page was last updated May 24, 2019
  1. BatteryBot icon

    Shows your battery charge level (percent) as an icon in your status bar, with temperature, health, voltage, and time since plugged / unplugged in the notification area. It also has user-configurable alarms, logs, and widgets.

    44 BatteryBot alternatives
    BatteryBot screenshot 1
    BatteryBot screenshot 2
    BatteryBot screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application type


    • Android
    • Android Tablet
    • F-Droid


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  No registration required
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  Battery level report
    5.  OSS License Compliance
    BatteryBot iconBattCursor Icon

    BatteryBot VS BattCursor

    Is BatteryBot a good alternative to BattCursor?
    • BatteryBot is the most popular Android & Android Tablet alternative to BattCursor.

    • BatteryBot is Free and Open SourceBattCursor is Free Personal and Proprietary
    • BatteryBot is Lightweight and Privacy focusedBattCursor is not according to our users
  2. SysMetrix icon
     1 like

    SysMetrix is a skinnable clock and metering application. Its purpose is to provide system metrics in a variety of interesting, useful, and cool ways. It can monitor and report on the hundreds of statistics

    58 SysMetrix alternatives
    Speedometer Aero skin

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows

    SysMetrix Features

    1.  Hardware Monitoring

    No recent release activity and download on site leads to 404 page.

    SysMetrix iconBattCursor Icon

    SysMetrix VS BattCursor

    Is SysMetrix a good alternative to BattCursor?
2 of 2 BattCursor alternatives