Batocera.linux AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Game Emulators
The best Game Emulator alternative to Batocera.linux is Lakka, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Batocera.linux and seven of them are Game Emulators so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Game Emulator alternatives to Batocera.linux are EmuDeck, Retropie, RetroDECK and Ignition (gaming OS).
filter to find the best alternatives
Batocera.linux alternatives are mainly Game Emulators but may also be Linux Distros or Operating Systems. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Batocera.linux.- Game Emulator
- Free • Open Source
- 33 likes25 Lakka alternatives
Lakka is the official Linux distribution of RetroArch and the libretro ecosystem. Each game system is implemented as a libretro core, while the frontend RetroArch takes care of inputs and display.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Cubieboard
- HummingBoard
- Raspberry Pi
- Nintendo Switch
- Odroid
Lakka Features
Lakka VS Batocera.linux
Is Lakka a good alternative to Batocera.linux? - 6 likes3 EmuDeck alternatives
Emulator configurator for Linux (SteamOS and ChimeraOS), Windows, and Android. Includes features such as pre-configured controls, RetroArch aspect ratios, universal hotkeys, auto save / load and steam ROM manager integration.
EmuDeck VS Batocera.linux
Is EmuDeck a good alternative to Batocera.linux? - 20 likes9 Retropie alternatives
RetroPie allows you to turn your Raspberry Pi or PC into a retro-gaming machine. It builds upon Raspbian, EmulationStation, RetroArch and many other projects to enable you to play your favourite classic games with the minimum set-up.
Retropie VS Batocera.linux
Is Retropie a good alternative to Batocera.linux? - 3 likes3 RetroDECK alternatives
Easy and fancy enviornment for managing and launching your retro games on Steam Deck without relying on a custom firmware.
RetroDECK VS Batocera.linux
Is RetroDECK a good alternative to Batocera.linux? - 1 like4 Ignition (gaming OS) alternatives
A fully customizable "console" in your living room that not only plays all the classic games you grew up with, but also brings modern features such as Gaming Achievements, Gaming Profiles, Online play, Social Interaction and more?.
DiscontinuedThe official website is no longer accessible, but has been archived by ( and the source code is available on GitHub:
Ignition (gaming OS) VS Batocera.linux
Is Ignition (gaming OS) a good alternative to Batocera.linux? - Like this app7 BigPEmu alternatives
Welcome to the home of BigPEmu! BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar emulator to feature compatibility with the entire retail library, along with excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features.
BigPEmu VS Batocera.linux
Is BigPEmu a good alternative to Batocera.linux? Hydra emulator VS Batocera.linux
Is Hydra emulator a good alternative to Batocera.linux?
Comments about EmuDeck as an Alternative to Batocera.linux
Not an OS, just a program.