Aven Colony AlternativesOnly apps categorised as City Building Games
The best City Building Game alternative to Aven Colony is 0 A.D., which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Aven Colony and eight of them are City Building Games so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting City Building Game alternatives to Aven Colony are Anno, Banished, Caesar and Kingdoms and Castles.
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Aven Colony alternatives are mainly City Building Games but may also be RTS Games or Survival Games. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Aven Colony.- City Building Game
- Paid • Proprietary
- 238 likes43 0 A.D. alternatives
0 A.D. is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. In short, it is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
0 A.D. Features
0 A.D. VS Aven Colony
Is 0 A.D. a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 14 likes23 Anno alternatives
ANNO is a city-building and economic simulation video game series, with real-time strategy elements.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Anno Features
Anno VS Aven Colony
Is Anno a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 19 likes46 Banished alternatives
In this city-building strategy game, you control a group of exiled travelers who decide to restart their lives in a new land. They have only the clothes on their backs and a cart filled with supplies from their homeland.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Wine
- Steam
Banished Features
Banished VS Aven Colony
Is Banished a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 7 likes30 Caesar alternatives
As a provincial governor charged with spreading the glory of Rome your mission is clear – build cities, foster trade and industry, make money. How you accomplish this is up to you. Gain wealth and power, make a career out of pleasing the emperor, battle barbarians and repel...
Caesar VS Aven Colony
Is Caesar a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 2 likes15 Kingdoms and Castles alternatives
A medieval city building game where you construct castles to protect your peasants from a living and dangerous world.
Kingdoms and Castles VS Aven Colony
Is Kingdoms and Castles a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 1 like5 Imagine Earth alternatives
real-time planet simulation and a build up strategy game. Your job as a space colony manager is to explore and populate distant planets. Build up thriving and profitable colonies on a global scale and trade resources and goods into space.
Imagine Earth VS Aven Colony
Is Imagine Earth a good alternative to Aven Colony? - 1 like40 Aquapolis alternatives
Build a thriving underwater city, reveal the truth and save the planet in amazing free to play game!.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
- Kindle Fire
Aquapolis VS Aven Colony
Is Aquapolis a good alternative to Aven Colony? - Like this app45 Patron alternatives
Patron builds upon the foundations laid out by the staples of the survival city builder genre and enhances the experience with a large research tree and by introducing intricate social dynamics into the game and the genre in general.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Steam
Patron Features
Patron VS Aven Colony
Is Patron a good alternative to Aven Colony?