Argos CI AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Test Automations
The best Test Automation alternative to Argos CI is Pixeleye, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Argos CI and five of them are Test Automations so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Test Automation alternatives to Argos CI are VisualReview, Lost Pixel, Applitools Eyes and Spectre.
filter to find the best alternatives
Argos CI alternatives are mainly Test Automations but may also be Task Automation Apps. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Argos CI.- Test Automation
- Freemium • Open Source
- 1 like8 Pixeleye alternatives
The batteries-included platform for visually testing and reviewing your UI; it's even self-hostable! Connect your codebase with our many integrations and dramatically increase your test coverage in minutes.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Self-Hosted
- Online
Pixeleye Features
Pixeleye VS Argos CI
Is Pixeleye a good alternative to Argos CI? - Like this app7 VisualReview alternatives
VisualReview's goal is to provide a productive and human-friendly workflow for testing and reviewing your web application's layout for any regressions.
DiscontinuedThis project has been abandoned. Last version released in 2017
VisualReview VS Argos CI
Is VisualReview a good alternative to Argos CI? - Like this app1 Lost Pixel alternatives
Holistic visual testing for your Frontend. First class integration with Storybook, Ladle, Playwright & other frontend libraries.
Lost Pixel VS Argos CI
Is Lost Pixel a good alternative to Argos CI? - 1 like14 Applitools Eyes alternatives
Applitools provides Application Visual Management & AI powered visual UI testing & monitoring for web & mobile apps.
Applitools Eyes Features
Applitools Eyes VS Argos CI
Is Applitools Eyes a good alternative to Argos CI? - Like this app5 Spectre alternatives
A simple UI for browsing and inspecting diffs, and an API for runner scripts to submit screenshots to and receive a pass or fail in real time. (For use with Wraith, Backstop, Selenium etc)
Spectre VS Argos CI
Is Spectre a good alternative to Argos CI?