Apponfly AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Remote Desktop Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Apponfly, but unfortunately only zero of them are Remote Desktop Tools.

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Apponfly alternatives are mainly Remote Desktop Tools but may also be Mouse Sharing Utilities or Keyboard Sharing Utilities.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Apponfly.
  • ...

AppOnFly is a cloud-based remote desktop service that builds your customer base by empowering customers to trial or buy your app instantly, and then pay for it on a monthly basis.

More about Apponfly
Apponfly alternatives page was last updated Apr 20, 2023
  1. across icon
    1. Bluetooth Keyboard/Mouse Emulator: across makes a Bluetooth equipped PC or Mac work as a standard Bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo. Thus, you can seamlessly/wirelessly control all your smart devices including computer, smartphone and tablet PC with the computer’s keyboard and...
    162 across alternatives
    across screenshot 1
    across screenshot 2
    across screenshot 3

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Android


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Desktop Sharing
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  AirPlay Support
    4.  No registration required
    5.  Support for Multiple Monitors
    6.  Screen Sharing
    7.  Photographic filters
    across iconApponfly Icon

    across VS Apponfly

    Is across a good alternative to Apponfly?
1 of 1 Apponfly alternatives