AOMEI Partition Assistant AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Disk Imaging Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to AOMEI Partition Assistant, but unfortunately only zero of them are Disk Imaging Tools.

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AOMEI Partition Assistant alternatives are mainly Partition Managers but may also be Disk Cloning Tools or File Recovery Tools.  Other popular filters includes Windows + Free and Mac + Partition Manager and Mac + Disk Cloning. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of AOMEI Partition Assistant.
  • ...

AOMEI Partition Assistant is a disk partition management software which has earned good reputation among worldwide users. It comes with so many powerful features that you can completely control your hard disk and partition.

More about AOMEI Partition Assistant
AOMEI Partition Assistant alternatives page was last updated Aug 1, 2022
  1. GParted icon

    GParted is a GTK+ frontend to GNU Parted and the official GNOME Partition Editor application. It is used for creating, deleting, resizing, moving, checking and copying partitions, and the file systems on them.

    34 GParted alternatives
    GParted screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Works Offline


    1.  Disk Imaging
    2.  Disk Cloning
    3.  Portable
    4.  Editing and creating partitions
    5.  Disaster Recovery
    6.  Queued Operations
    7.  Photo Recovery
    8.  Dark Mode
    9.  Encrypted Backup
    10.  NTFS Partition Recovery
    11.  Optimized for Windows
    GParted iconAOMEI Partition Assistant Icon

    GParted VS AOMEI Partition Assistant

    Is GParted a good alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant?
    • Most users think GParted is a great AOMEI Partition Assistant alternative.

    • GParted is the most popular Linux alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant.

    • GParted is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant.

    • GParted is Free and Open SourceAOMEI Partition Assistant is Freemium and Proprietary
    • GParted is LightweightAOMEI Partition Assistant is not according to our users
  2. Parted Magic icon

    The Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs (e.g. Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, and ddrescue) and an excellent set of documentation to benefit the user.

    34 Parted Magic alternatives
    Parted Magic screenshot 1

    License model


    • Windows
    • Linux


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  Lightweight
    3.  No Tracking


    1.  Portable
    Parted Magic iconAOMEI Partition Assistant Icon

    Parted Magic VS AOMEI Partition Assistant

    Is Parted Magic a good alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant?
    • Parted Magic is the most popular commercial alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant.

    • Parted Magic is Paid and ProprietaryAOMEI Partition Assistant is Freemium and Proprietary
    • Parted Magic is LightweightAOMEI Partition Assistant is not according to our users
  3. Disk Utility icon

    Disk Utility is the name of a utility created by Apple for performing disk-related tasks in Mac OS X. These tasks include:

    38 Disk Utility alternatives
    Disk Utility partitioning a disk

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Mac

    Disk Utility Features

    1.  Support for S.M.A.R.T. data
    2.  Mounting drives
    Disk Utility iconAOMEI Partition Assistant Icon

    Disk Utility VS AOMEI Partition Assistant

    Is Disk Utility a good alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant?
    • Disk Utility is the most popular Mac alternative to AOMEI Partition Assistant.

    • Disk Utility is Free and ProprietaryAOMEI Partition Assistant is Freemium and Proprietary
3 of 3 AOMEI Partition Assistant alternatives