Able is a Able is a bootstrapped community for people to read and write about software. The goal is to provide a platform that people can use to share and develop their technical knowledge and opinions, and discover new opportunities to further their careers in technology.
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Able News & Activities
Recent activities
- lexiqqq added Able as alternative to Lexi's Hosting
- HiddenLayer added Able as alternative to HiddenLayer
- POX added Able as alternative to Banner Blog
Able information
What is Able?
Able is a Able is a bootstrapped community for people to read and write about software. The goal is to provide a platform that people can use to share and develop their technical knowledge and opinions, and discover new opportunities to further their careers in technology. Your previous work experience, education, gender, race or country of birth do not matter on Able, all that does is your pursuit of knowledge.
If you have a story, advice or experience to share from the programming, infrastructure or hardware projects that you work on, particularly in a professional context, then you should write about it on Able to share it with other developers.