Apps with 'Unique Classes' feature

All apps in Apps with 'Unique Classes' feature category. Use the filters below to narrow down your search. 
  1. Terraria icon

    Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint.

    73 Terraria alternatives
    Terraria screenshot 1

    License model

    Application types


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Chrome OS
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Kindle Fire
    • Steam
    Underground exploration, mining gold.
    Boss-Monster Eater of Worlds
    Terraria screenshot 3

    Top Terraria Features

    1.  Moddable
    2.  Crafting
    3.  Unique Classes
    4.  Multiplayer
    5.  Single player
    6.  Building game
    7.  Player vs Player
    8.  Online co-op
    9.  Endless gameplay
    10.  Works Offline
    11.  Achievements Supported
    12.  Procedurally generated
  2. Team Fortress 2 icon

    Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is the sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map. One of the most popular online action games of all time, TF2 delivers constant free updates including new game modes, maps, equipment and, most importantly, hats.

    27 Team Fortress 2 alternatives

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Steam
    Team Fortress 2 screenshot 1
    Team Fortress 2 screenshot 2
    Team Fortress 2 screenshot 3

    Team Fortress 2 Features

    1.  Class-based
    2.  Multiplayer
    3.  Free to play
    4.  Voice Chat
    5.  Unique Classes
    6.  Online co-op
    7.  Player vs Player
    8.  Moddable
    9.  Single player
    10.  Achievements Supported
  3. Catacomb Kids icon
     Like this app

    Catacomb Kids is a brutal platformer roguelike that pits you against the deadly Catacombs aided only by magic, steel, and your quick reflexes.

    9 Catacomb Kids alternatives
    Catacomb Kids screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Steam
    Catacomb Kids screenshot 1
    Catacomb Kids screenshot 2
    Catacomb Kids screenshot 3

    Catacomb Kids Features

    1.  Unique Classes
    2.  Procedurally generated
    3.  Side Scrolling